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What the hack?
At a hackathon, prototypes for given challenges are developed within a short period of time.
This is exactly what happens at our HACK|BAY: on two days, interdisciplinary teams create solutions that they pitch to a jury. For participation, no technical background is needed. Everyone who wants to bring innovative ideas to life and spend two great days with the digital community is welcome. It's also a perfect chance to connect with top-notch companies from the region and who knows – maybe you even meet your next employer.
In case you are a hackathon newbie this one might be just for you. Join our workshop „Get ready for HACK|BAY“ on April 23 and learn everything from what to expect to essential methods to solve a HACK|BAY and any other hackathon challenge.
HACK|BAY is organized with love by the team of ZOLLHOF – Tech Incubator.
get your ticket


2024 challenges
Leveling up Corporate Compliance Processes for Open Source Components
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At DATEV we are a huge community of avid Open Source Software users. We always carefully select components from open repositories like GitHub and never miss to thoroughly check the corresponding license conditions in advance. Usually the Open Source components have special functions within an application you’re using, but in case the Open Source components are used in commercial environments, special license conditions apply.
Our status quo at DATEV is that compliance and security checks don’t happen until right before the actual deployment of the application. The checks happening at this late stage is the first catch, the second one is the check attempting to include transitive dependencies of components which can’t be completely resolved with regard to license incompatibilities.
Using an unauthorized component can lead to severe damage claims. It’s also a bummer for the developers who have to invest a lot of extra time to remove the component again and of course – an adequate replacement needs to be found.
This is exactly where you can help team DATEV. Create a solution that helps developers to ensure corporate compliance and to avoid those damage claims – ideally with the use of AI. How the solution is supposed to look like? Well, that’s up to you. It might be a plugin for browsers or for an IDE. Team DATEV provides you with an API, respectively a service that supports the automated release of rights and thus enables the legally compliant and time-efficient reuse of third-party data sources.
We can’t wait to see your solutions and who knows? It might be your idea that will be implemented at DATEV after HACK|BAY!
Real-time Tracking of Production Goods
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Schaeffler’s factories work like clockwork and hence rely on the efficient transport of production goods between different manufacturing steps. These goods are typically moved in small load carriers (SLC) crates. Real-time tracking of these crates is essential for an optimized production flow. However, conventional tracking methods like Ultra Wideband or RFID struggle in factory environments due to signal interference from hydraulic presses and other machinery.
That’s why we’d like to combine computer vision and your brilliant ideas to solve this challenge! Computer vision has the potential to reliably detect and track the movement of SLC crates throughout Schaeffler’s factories. That’s exactly where you can dive in to develop an algorithm to reliably identify, track and visualize the movement of the crates while making sure the workers' faces can’t be recognized in order to protect their privacy. Schaeffler is happy to provide you with video footage of workers transporting SLCs between workstations.
This is your challenge to tackle a real-world industrial problem with innovative technology and to support the Schaeffler team to increase efficiency with the smoothest possible workflow.
You asked - we listened:
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Due to high demand, we'll give you the chance to work on your very own challenge once again and create an outstanding solution.
No strings attached except you bring an impactful idea, find a team, and build a solution using the latest technology.
Let's spice up this competition and throw in your wild card!


Did anyone say cash prizes?
2.000€ in Cash
1.500€ in Cash
1.500€ in Cash


Our speakers 2024
Ivy Wang
Data Scientist & Cloud Architect
Talk: AI to the Rescue! Leveraging Tech to Solve Real-World Business Problems


What awaits you
8:00 - 09:00
Arrival & Check-In
09:00 - 10:45
Welcome including Keynote and Presentation of Challenges
10:45 - 12:00
Team Up & Ideation
12:00 - 13:30
Lunch & Start Hacking
15:00 - 16:00
optional: Workshop "AI Agents"
16:30 - 17:00
Arrival & Check In: FrankenJS X – 10 Years
17:00 - 18:30
FrankenJS X – 10 Years
18:30 - 20:00
20:00 - 21:30
FrankenJS X – 10 Years
21:30 - open end
Hacking Time
00:00 - 08:00
Hacking all night long
08:00 - 10:00
11:00 - 12:00
optional: Pitch Feedback Sessions
12:00 - 13:30
13:00 - 14:00
optional: Pitch Feedback Sessions
15:30 - 17:00
Semi Finals
Announcement of Finalists
18:00 - 19:00
Grand Finale including Team Pitches
19:00 - 19:30
Jury Session / Break
19:30 - 19:45
Announcement of Winning Teams
19:45 - 21:30


Z-Bau – the home of HACK|BAY
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Z-Bau, Frankenstraße 200, 90461 Nürnberg
Stop Frankenstraße: U1, Tram 5, Bus 51 + 45 / 67, Nightliner 5
Stop Tristanstraße: Tram 7, Nightliner 15 (alternative Hiroshimaplatz)
Stop Tiroler Straße: Bus 65
A few parking spaces are available at the location.
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Z-Bau is a place where everyone is welcome - regardless of whether you have a handicap or not.
The location is barrier-free in many places. All rooms are wheelchair accessible and there is a disabled toilet.
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There are two sleeping rooms with a couple of beds. So you can spend your night at Z-Bau if you like.

Supported By

Our supporters


Check out the aftermovie
HACK|BAY 2024 went by too fast, but of course we captured the 2 days of hacking magic featuring:

- 330 participants in total and 140 hackers of whom 50% have an international background and 25% are female
- who worked on 4 challenges in no less than 26 hacker teams


Answers to your questions

What is a hackathon?

A hackathon is a social event where creative, innovative solutions for given challenges are created within a short period of time. The participants of a hackathon are called “hackers”. At the end of the event the prototypes are pitched to and evaluated by a jury.

What is a challenge?

Challenges are existing business issues that the challenge providers (e.g. corporates, startups) deal with in real life.

Who can participate in the hackathon? Are there any prerequisites or required skills?

Anyone interested in thriving innovation is welcome! No tech or business background required - just a good amount of energy and willingness to learn and innovate. Also no experience in hackathons is needed (beginners are welcome!).

I've never done a hackathon before. What should I expect?

You will learn a lot in terms of methods and tools (did anyone say prototype?) but also on a personal level while working in fun teams. Mentors will be at your side to support you on your way to a great solution. Overall, you will have a great time mingling with the collaborative digital community.

Can I take part alone or do I need a team?

You don't need a team in advance. You will work in a team, but most of the teams are formed at the beginning of the hackathon.

How to apply?

You don’t have to apply for the event. The event is open to everyone. Just get your ticket and join the hackathon!

What do I need?

You should have a computer and other tools you need (e.g. charger, mouse, USB drive, adapters).

Can I stay overnight?

Yes, you’re welcome to spend the night on-site. There are two sleeping rooms with a couple of beds. Please reserve a sleeping spot in advance by sending us a message (

What about food and drinks?

We cover you with food and drinks - 100% for free and all two days long. So you can fully focus on working on your idea.

Who gets the intellectual property rights to the work created by the teams?

The work (codes, data, documents, etc.) created by the teams during the hackathon will be of their own property. However, ideas presented to the public are freely accessible and usable.

In which language will the event be held?

The main language of the event is English, which means all pitches and talks will be held in English. Nevertheless, you are more than welcome to participate in the hackathon even if your English is not 100% fluent.

Why is the event not free of charge?

The event causes costs for e.g. space rental, catering and team. Therefore we can’t make it completely free of charge. But you won’t have any extra costs during the hackathon. Your ticket includes everything – food, drinks and even a place to sleep so you can work all day and night.

Anything else?

You will get in contact with a lot of interesting people and organizations. In the end, you will be tired, but very satisfied :)

Prototypes should be developed during the hackathon. Coming with pre-made solutions is not the point of a hackathon.
of conduct
A hackathon for everyone - A hackathon for everyone - A hackathon for everyone - A hackathon for everyone - A hackathon for everyone - A hackathon for everyone - A hackathon for everyone - A hackathon for everyone - A hackathon for everyone - A hackathon for everyone - A hackathon for everyone - A hackathon for everyone - A hackathon for everyone - A hackathon for everyone - A hackathon for everyone - A hackathon for everyone -